Monday, May 28, 2018

Star Wars Bantha Trax Episode 18: SOLO!

BANTHA TRAX RETURNS! In our latest dispatch from a galaxy far, far away we sit down with everyone's favorite scoundrel with our review of SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY! So grab a tall glass of blue milk, get the sabacc deck ready and we'll sit down and jaw a spell about the film, our feelings about it, and our hopes for the anthology movies moving forward!

SPOILER WARNING! While the film's plot isn't dicsussed from beginning to end several major plot points are discussed in detail. If you haven't seen the movie and you want to go in cold, consider yourself duly advised.

Where to find us:

On Facebook - Fanboy Power Facebook Page

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You can also download the episode directly from The Fanboy Power Hour!

Also check us out on Stitcher!


Check out this episode!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Fanbpy Power Hour Episode 204: ROLLIN' WITH BROLIN

And there came a day unlike any other, when two young heroes joined forces. Their mission, to explore comic series and storylines no one pop culture junkie could discuss alone. On that day was formed THE FANBOY POWER HOUR!


Hey gang, Deadpool here. Oh, that other guy? He's hogtied in the broom closet right now. I just wanted to swing by and make sure that everything was sympatico before I let these two chuckleheads review my latest opus: DEADPOOL 2. Yeah, they still do the thing where they talk over each other, but I can't fault their enthusiasm. Nice pair of kids.

Mm? They're how old?


Anyway, I've gotta mosey: Hugh Jackman's twitter feed isn't gonna troll itself.

Hugs and kisses,


Ps. It's no doubt nothing but praise for me, but I'm going to give this little ep a spin on the iPad on my flight back to Westchester. If it isn't up to my normally high standard. . .well boys you better start running. A vague disclaimer is no man's friend. Have fun!

Where to find us:

On Facebook - Fanboy Power Facebook Page

On Twitter - @FanboyPowerHour Contact us at -

You can also download the episode directly from The Fanboy Power Hour!

Also check us out on Stitcher!


Check out this episode!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Fanboy Power Hour Episode 203: THE PURPLE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM

And there came a day unlike any other, when two young heroes joined forces. Their mission, to explore comic series and storylines no one pop culture junkie could discuss alone. On that day was formed THE FANBOY POWER HOUR!

You've been patient. You've waited. Now, the time has come for the discussion you've been waiting for. . .about that new trailer for THE PREDATOR! Okay, it's not -just- that on the docket this week. We're discussing the above plus the recent preview for Kevin Bacon's return to the TREMORS franchise, the '80s flashback of Youtube Red's COBRA KAI series. . .oh, and that movie about the purple dude who gets a hold of the power glove. All this, and some comics reviews to boot! It's an episode of the Hour we could only call Episode 203: THE PURPLE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM!

Where to find us:

On Facebook - Fanboy Power Facebook Page

On Twitter - @FanboyPowerHour Contact us at -

You can also download the episode directly from The Fanboy Power Hour!

Also check us out on Stitcher!


Check out this episode!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Fanboy Power Hour Episode 202: STACY'S STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS

And there came a day unlike any other, when two young heroes joined forces. Their mission, to explore comic series and storylines no one pop culture junkie could discuss alone. On that day was formed THE FANBOY POWER HOUR!


With Ryan out of town, Stacy mans the helm alone as he touches on a plethora of topics, from impressions of the Calgary expo to his recent foray back into classic Star Trek in prose and on video to action figures, movies and more! It's a snack-sized edition of the Hour we could only call EPISODE 202: STACY'S STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS!

Where to find us:

On Facebook - Fanboy Power Facebook Page

On Twitter - @FanboyPowerHour Contact us at -

Stacy's comics reviews can be found at Rogue's Portal: You can also download the episode directly from The Fanboy Power Hour!

Also check us out on Stitcher!

Check out this episode!