Thursday, April 24, 2014

FBPH Presents - Spotlight on INVINCIBLE!

And there came a day unlike any other, when three young heroes banded together. Their mission, to explore comic series and storylines no one pop culture junkie could discuss alone. On that day was formed THE FANBOY POWER HOUR!

This week Cody & Stacy sit down and discuss one of their favorite independent characters: Image Comics' INVINCIBLE! From it's early beginnings as a slice of life superhero comedy to its current status as a dramedy the boys discuss their love of the series and why the think now is a great time to get on board. So smooth out that mustache, put your Science Dog comics to the side, kick back and enjoy this all new episode of FBPH Presents: CHARACTER SPOTLIGHT!

WARNING: SPOILERS! While efforts were made to keep the bulk of the surprises hidden, there are some items that had to be discussed in order to provide proper context. If you haven't read the series at all and don't want to be spoiled on it, go read it and come back! We'll wait. We're patient like that.

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On Facebook - Fanboy Power Facebook Page

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You can also download the episode directly from The Fanboy Power Hour!

Also check us out on Stitcher!

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Set Faces To Stunned Episode 3: SCOURGE OF THE SPACE HIPPIES!

Space. . .the final frontier. . .these are the voyages of the Brothers D. . .their newfound mission, to discuss and explore the various STAR TREK series. . .to seek out classic episodes and beloved characters. . .to boldly go where one Fanboy has never been before!

THE END OF AN ERA! We say a fond farewell to Star Trek: The Original Series in this fully-loaded episode of SET FACES TO STUNNED: A STAR TREK PODCAST! From demonic children to immortal madmen, from encounters with godlike beings to body-swapping shenanigans, our sibling starfarers leave no course uncharted as they discuss the final season of the classic series and the beginnings of its legacy. Tune in as Ryan throws down the gauntlet on an infamous episode of the series and both reviewers do their best to endure what is perhaps the greatest terror the starship Enterprise has ever faced. . .SPACE HIPPIES! So make your log entry, set course at Warp Factor 2, and enjoy the latest exciting episode of SET FACES TO STUNNED! You don't want to be a Herbert, do you?

Where to find us:

On Facebook - Fanboy Power Facebook Page

On Twitter - @FanboyPowerHour Contact us at -

You can also download the episode directly from The Fanboy Power Hour!

Also check us out on Stitcher!

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


And there came a day unlike any other, when three young heroes banded together. Their mission, to explore comic series and storylines no one pop culture junkie could discuss alone. On that day was formed THE FANBOY POWER HOUR!

Really? We need to put in a preamble this week? C'mon now, if you're even -remotely- into pop culture you - have- to know what we're talking about this episode. Marvel Films' latest release, CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER! So ready that Mighty Shield, prep those Widow's Stings, and get those wings ready to unfurl because we're going all-out in this latest edition of FANBOY POWER HOUR - AT THE MOVIES!

SPOILERS AHOY! If you don't want the movie ruined for you, download the podcast and then listen after you've watched it. Consider yourself duly warned!

Where to find us:

On Facebook - Fanboy Power Facebook Page

On Twitter - @FanboyPowerHour Contact us at -

You can also download the episode directly from The Fanboy Power Hour!

Also check us out on Stitcher!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

FBPH Presents - Spotlight on HELLBOY!

And there came a day unlike any other, when three young heroes banded together. Their mission, to explore comic series and storylines no one pop culture junkie could discuss alone. On that day was formed THE FANBOY POWER HOUR!

The boys sit down as promised and talk about the World's Greatest Paranormal Investigator, Mike Mignola's HELLBOY! From the comics to the silver screen to animation, our intrepid trio leave no stone unturned in discussing the appeal of this hero and his world on its twentieth anniversary. So ready your Right Hand of Doom and crank up the Manilow for another eldritch episode of THE FANBOY POWER HOUR!

Where to find us:

On Facebook - Fanboy Power Facebook Page

On Twitter - @FanboyPowerHour Contact us at -

You can also download the episode directly from The Fanboy Power Hour!

Also check us out on Stitcher!

Check out this episode!