Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Episode 177: Rockin' Out With DARK NIGHTS METAL!

And there came a day unlike any other, when two young heroes joined forces. Their mission, to explore comic series and storylines no one pop culture junkie could discuss alone. On that day was formed THE FANBOY POWER HOUR!

This week we throw up the horns and rock out to the newest DC Comics crossover event: DARK NIGHTS METAL! From the prologue issues of DARK DAYS: THE FORGE & THE CASTING to the absolute insanity of DARK NIGHTS METAL #1 & 2, it's an in-depth comics discussion that leaves no segue unexplored and no stone unturned in our quest for the truth! It's an edition of the Hour we could only call EPISODE 177: ROCKIN' OUT WITH DARK NIGHTS METAL!

Where to find us:

On Facebook - Fanboy Power Facebook Page

On Twitter - @FanboyPowerHour Contact us at - fanboypowerhour@gmail.com

Stacy's comics reviews can be found at Rogue's Portal: http://www.roguesportal.com/ You can also download the episode directly from The Fanboy Power Hour!

Also check us out on Stitcher!


Check out this episode!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

EPISODE 176: At The Movies With IT!

And there came a day unlike any other, when two young heroes joined forces. Their mission, to explore comic series and storylines no one pop culture junkie could discuss alone. On that day was formed THE FANBOY POWER HOUR!

This week on the Hour the boys sit down and discuss the latest cinematic adaptation of Stephen King's masterpiece about the monsters of our childhood: IT! Is it worth revisting all these years later or should this film float on into the depths? Find out in this latest edition we could only call EPISODE 176: At the Movies With IT!

MASSIVE SPOILERS AHOY! If you haven't seen the movie yet and want to go in without some elements and scenes spoiled, download the episode for later listening. If you have, c'mon in!

Where to find us:

On Facebook - Fanboy Power Facebook Page

On Twitter - @FanboyPowerHour Contact us at - fanboypowerhour@gmail.com

Stacy's comics reviews can be found at Rogue's Portal: http://www.roguesportal.com/ You can also download the episode directly from The Fanboy Power Hour!

Also check us out on Stitcher!


Check out this episode!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017


And there came a day unlike any other, when two young heroes joined forces. Their mission, to explore comic series and storylines no one pop culture junkie could discuss alone. On that day was formed THE FANBOY POWER HOUR!

This week on the Hour the boys sit down and discuss the 30th anniversary of another exemplar of '80s Sci-Fi cinema: Paul Verhoven's 1987 classic ROBOCOP! Not quite a commentary track, the boys talk trivia, favorite moments, themes, and just how amazing Kurtwood Smith really is. All that and more in an edition of the Hour we could only call EPISODE 175 - I'D BUY THAT FOR A DOLLAR: ROBOCOP AT 30!

Where to find us:

On Facebook - Fanboy Power Facebook Page

On Twitter - @FanboyPowerHour Contact us at - fanboypowerhour@gmail.com

Stacy's comics reviews can be found at Rogue's Portal: http://www.roguesportal.com/ You can also download the episode directly from The Fanboy Power Hour!

Also check us out on Stitcher!


Check out this episode!